TV Advert Production Guide

Toast is known for beautiful TV advert production for companies of all sizes. We expertly handle the entire TV ad production from script to screen.

Experts in TV Advert Production

We can handle your entire TV advert from brief to airdate. If you’re looking for a TV advert production company to help with your next project, please use the form below to get in touch.


We offer a perfect marriage of creative and production agency. We have in-house resources, allowing us to make the most of your budget. Toast is a one-stop-shop for TV advertising; we can handle everything, including creative, filming, editing, regulatory clearance and delivery to stations.

Take a look at some of our work – We have an excellent track record of helping companies like Innocent get on TV.

Whether you already have a budget for your television commercials or you’re researching TV advertising costs, fill in the contact form below, and we’ll guide you through the process.

Running adverts on TV allows companies to build trusted brands and boost sales by putting their product in front of vast numbers of customers. Toast is a complete TV ad production company partner that has access to media buyers, planners, creatives and production teams.


Our producers come from TV advertising agencies and TV advertising production backgrounds in London and have vast experience of the entire process of bringing TV adverts to screen.

Regardless of your TV commercial production size, we assign a dedicated producer from the start of the project. This producer works directly with you and your team and will guide you through every step.


We always present multiple creative routes, giving clients a broad spread of ideas. These ideas will range from outline advert concepts to sample TV commercial scripts. Clients get the fun job of picking a route, and we then refine the ideas further to build a campaign.

We’ll start clearing your TV commercial script now. Every UK TV advert has to abide by a set of rules before going on air. Getting these approvals early is best to prevent bottlenecks later in the advert production process.


Budgeting for commercial production can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time advertising on TV. We are always very transparent in our budgets. Each element of production appears on the budget as a line item. And once we have agreed on a budget, we stick to it.

As a TV advertising company with a long track record of work, we know how much quality costs. We also know how to make savings if needed. There is a level of quality we like to stay above. Putting a low-quality advert on TV will tarnish a brand. Please use the form above if you need a ballpark budget for a TV advert.

TV advertising seems like an expensive marketing option but over the last few years costs of TV advert production have reduced making it more affordable. Research from Nielsen shows that 568 TV advertisers spent less than £250,000 in 2022. With the reach of a TV advert it’s a compelling option for any marketing mix.


Buying media goes hand in hand with advert production. An advert needs to be seen by the target audience. TV Advert slots are purchased between TV shows that target your demographic as strictly as possible.

Efficient media buying is possible when done at scale. Toast collaborates with an extensive media buying network but retains the personal touch of a smaller agency.

BVOD advertising provides a more effective and measurable way to connect with consumers. As a result, brands are reallocating their advertising budgets to seize the opportunities presented by BVOD, making it a pivotal component of modern marketing strategies.


During pre-production, we will work out the logistics of any filming that needs to take place. If the route picked is an animation, we’ll generally start storyboarding the animation at this stage.

Before filming, we’ll have a final pre-production meeting to sign off all aspects of the shoot so that everyone knows what will happen during the advert filming.


The choice between a live-action or an animated TV advert is often made at the concept stage. This choice can be driven by budget as animated adverts can be a cost-effective way of getting into TV advertising.


Filming will either be on location or in a studio, depending on what is the best solution. The shoot day is when the TV commercial director’s vision comes to life on screen. At Toast, we pride ourselves on running extremely organised shoots. A well-run shoot is a happy shoot.


The footage from the advert shoot gets edited into a rough version of the TV commercial, which locks down shot selection but not timings. The edit, graphics, effects, sound and voice-over are all refined until the finished TV commercial is polished and ready.


TV advertising comes in a few different flavours. If you’re looking to drive potential customers to a website, then DRTV – direct response TV advertising is for you. DRTV adverts use a call-to-action during the advert that asks viewers to either call a phone number or visit a website.

Brand advertising is different; it aims to build awareness of your brand or product line. Brand adverts can change the public’s perception of a brand or product. A well-executed brand ad campaign can set the right tone and build trust over time.

Product adverts, are similar to DRTV adverts but usually focus on promoting a service, product or app. They can be as simple as an explainer, showing how easy a product is to use. App developers have creating an effective tv commercial is an essential part of their marketing toolkit. Using TV adverts to build a product or service’s user base is a fast way to gain market share.


If you’re looking for one of the top TV commercial production companies with great creative ideas, award-winning writers and directors get in touch. If you already have a TV commercial and are looking to get it on air, we have experienced media buyers who can organise a media plan to get your TV advert seen. Use the form below to tell us about your project.


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